The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. COMPLAINANT Vs. Madapathage Dona Thilaka Alias Shyamali ACCUSED AND BETWEEN Madapathage Dona Thilaka Alias Shyamali ACCUSED - PETITIONER Vs. The Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. COMPLAINANT-RESPONDENT AND NOW BETWEEN Attorney General Attorney Generals Department, Colombo 12. COMPLAINANT – RESPONDENT-APPELLANT Vs Madapathage Dona Thilaka Alias Shyamali ACCUSED-PETITIONER-RESPONDENT
In the matter of an application for Special Leave to Appeal in terms of Article 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
In the matter of an application for a Leave to Appeal in terms of Article 127, 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka read with Section 5(C) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Amendment Act No. 54 of 2006.
Dr. Indika Mudalige, 391/3C, 2nd Lane, Ekamuthu Mawatha, Thalangama North, Battaramulla. Petitioner Vs. 1. National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Ratmalana. 2. G.A Kumararatna, General Manager, National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Ratmalana. 3. Mangala Abeysekera, Project Director, National Water Supply and drainage Board, Ratmalana. 4. Sarath Chandrasiri Vithana, Secretary, Ministry of City Planning and Water Supply, No.05, ‘Lak Diya Medura’, New Parliament Road, Pelawatte, Battaramulle. 5. K.D Ebert and Sons Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, No. 5/41, Madiwela Road, Embuldeniya, Nugegoda. 6. JITF-KDESH JV (Pvt) Ltd, No.5/41, Madiwela Road, 7. Asian Development Bank (ADB) Sri Lanka Resident Missiom, 23, Independence Avenue, Colombo 07. 8. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. Respondents
L.T.B. Dehideniya, J.
In the matter of an Application for under and in terms of Article 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
1. Balachandra Arachchige Don Nuwan Chathuranga Padmasiri, Sub Inspector Criminal Investigation Department P.O. Box 534, Colombo 01 2. Koskola Waththage Harsha Lakmal Kumara, Sub Inspector, Criminal Investigation Department, P.O. Box 534, Colombo 01. 3. Munasingha Arachchige Sajitha Chathusanka Bandara Karunathilaka, Sub Inspector, Police Station, Peliyagoda. Petitioners Vs. 1. C. D. Wickramaratne Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01. 2. Jagath Balapatabendi, Chairman 3. Indrani Sugathadasa, Member 4. V. Shivagnanasothy, Member 5. T. R. C. Ruberu, Member 6. Ahamod Lebbe Mohamed Saleem, Member 7. Leelasena Liyanagama, Member 8. Dian Gomes, Member 9. Dilith Jayaweera, Member 10. W. H. Piyadasa, Member All of the members of the Public Service Commission of Sri Lanka, No. 1200/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. 11. K. R. Saranga Perera, Head of Division (Recruitment and Promotion Scheme Preparation Division) Police Headquarters Colombo 01 12. Wajira Gunawardena Director (Civil Administ
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
Malka Denethi Attorney-at-Law No. 305/11, Janatha Mawatha, Werahera, Boralasgamuwa. Petitioner Vs. 1. K.S.K. Rupasinghe Senior Superintendent of Police, Nugegoda Police Division, Nugegoda. 2. Police Officer No. 48513 C/O Deputy Inspector General (Western – South), DIG Office – Western Province (South), Nugegoda. 3. K.G. Wijerathne Inspector of Police, Officer-in-Charge, Police Station, Boralesgamuwa. 4. Asiri Jayasooriya Sub-Inspector, Miscellaneous Complaints Unit (MO Branch), Police Station, Boralesgamuwa. 5. C.D. Wickramarathna Inspector General of Police, Sri Lanka Police Headquarters, Colombo 1. 6. Rajeev Amarasooriya Attorney-at-Law, Secretary, Bar Association of Sri Lanka, No. 153, Mihindu Mawatha, Colombo 12. 7. Dona Anushka Dilani Kannangara No. 192/3, 2nd Lane, Egodawaththa, Boralesgamuwa. 8. Attorney General Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Respondents
In the matter of an Application under and by virtue of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Stella Gwendelline Hycinth Wijesinghe, No. 05, Railway Avenue, Nugegoda. Plaintiff Vs. Lalith Wickramarathne, No. 51/1, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda. Defendant AND BETWEEN Lalith Wickramarathne, No. 51/1, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda. Defendant-Appellant Vs. Stella Gwendelline Hycinth Wijesinghe, No. 05, Railway Avenue, Nugegoda. Plaintiff-Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Stella Gwendelline Hycinth Wijesinghe, No. 05, Railway Avenue, Nugegoda. Plaintiff-Respondent-Appellant Vs. Lalith Wickramarathne, No. 51/1, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda. Defendant-Appellant-Respondent
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
Wedikkarayalage Nirosha Sanjeewani, Adurapotha, Kegalle. Plaintiff Vs. Hewavitharanage Podimenike, “Saman Nivasa”, No. 40, Hitinawatte, Colombo Road, Kegalle. Defendant AND BETWEEN Wedikkarayalage Nirosha Sanjeewani, Adurapotha, Kegalle. Plaintiff-Appellant Vs. Hewavitharanage Podimenike, “Saman Nivasa”, No. 40, Hitinawatte, Colombo Road, Kegalle. Defendant-Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Hewavitharanage Podimenike, “Saman Nivasa”, No. 40, Hitinawatte, Colombo Road, Kegalle. Defendant-Respondent-Appellant Vs. Wedikkarayalage Nirosha Sanjeewani, Adurapotha, Kegalle. Plaintiff-Appellant-Respondent
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
1. Kukule Kankanamge Chandrasena Yakupitiya, Bellana. 2. Edirisinghe Athukoralage Pushpalatha Yakupitiya, Bellana. Plaintiffs Vs. 1. Liyanage Don Buddhadasa Yakupitiya, Bellana. Defendant AND BETWEEN Liyanage Don Buddhadasa Yakupitiya, Bellana. Defendant-Appellant Vs. 1. Kukule Kankanamge Chandrasena Yakupitiya Bellana. 2. Edirisinghe Athukoralage Pushpalatha Yakupitiya, Bellana. Plaintiff-Respondents AND NOW BETWEEN Liyanage Don Buddhadasa Yakupitiya, Bellana. Defendant-Appellant-Appellant Vs. 1. Kukule Kankanamge Chandrasena Yakutupitiya, Bellana. 2. Edirisinghe Athukoralage Pushpalatha Yakupitiya, Bellana. Plaintiff-Respondent-Respondents
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
Film Locations (Private Limited) No. 282/6, Kotte Road, Nugegoda. Plaintiff Vs. 1. Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority, No. 500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10. 2. M. Sirisena, Resident Project Manager, Victoria Office, Digana. 3. Taprobane Studio Ranch (Private) Limited, No 282/6, Kotte Road, Nugegoda. Defendants AND BETWEEN Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority, No. 500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10. 1st Defendant-Petitioner Vs. Film Locations (Private Limited) No. 282/6, Kotte Road, Nugegoda. Plaintiff-Respondent M. Sirisena, Resident Project Manager, Victoria Office, Digana. 2nd Defendant-Respondent Taprobane Studio Ranch (Private) Limited, No 282/6, Kotte Road, Nugegoda. 3rd Defendant-Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Film Locations (Private Limited) No. 282/6, Kotte Road, Nugegoda. Plaintiff-Respondent-Petitioner Vs. Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority, No. 500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10. 1st Defendant-Petitioner-Respondent M. Sirisena, Resident Project Manager, Victoria Office, Digana. 2nd Defendant-Respondent-Respondent
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
K.A. Gunasena No. 18/6A, Nikape Road, Dehiwala PETITIONER Vs. 1. Public Service Commission No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 2. Justice Sathyaa Hettige, PC, Chairman, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 2A. Mr. Dharmasena Dissanayaka, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 3. Mrs. Kanthi Wijetunge, Member, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 3A. Mr. A. Salam Abdul Waid, Member, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05 3B. Prof. Hussain Ismail, Member, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 4. Mr. Sunil S Sirisena, Member, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 4A. Ms. D. Shirantha Wijayatilaka, Member, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05. 4B. Mrs. Sudharma Karnarathna, Member, Public Service Commission, No. 177, Nawala Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 05
Aluwihare PC J,
In the matter of an application made in terms of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
K.P.K.L.P. Maduwanthi, No. 75/A, MC Road, Matale. Presently at: Quarters of Divisional Secretary, No. 107/3, Scout Land, Matale Petitioner Vs. 1. S.M.G.K. Perera, District Secretary, District Secretariat, Matale. 2. Hon. Justice Jagath Balapatabendi, Chairman 3. Mrs. Indrani Sugathadasa, Member 4. Mr. V. Shivagnanasothy, Member 5. Dr. T.R.C. Ruberu, Member 6. Mr. Ahamod Lebbe Mohamed Saleem, Member 7. Mr. Leelasena Liyanagama, Member 8. Mr. Dian Gomes, Member 9. Mr. Dilith Jayaweera, Member 10. Mr. W.H. Piyadasa, Member 2nd to 10th Respondents: All of: Public Service Commission, No. 1200/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. 11. The Secretary, Public Service Commission, No. 1200/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. 12. General Kamal Guneratne, Secretary to the Ministry of Defense, Home Affairs and Disaster Management, Nilamedura, Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 05. 12(A). Hon. N.H.M. Chithrananda, Secretary to the State Ministry of Home Affairs, Nilamedura, Elivitigala Mawatha, Colombo 05. 13. J.J. Rathnasiri, Se
Janak De Silva, J.
In the matter of an application under and in terms of Articles 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
SC/SPL LA/224/2020
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC, Telecommunication Headquarters Building, Lotus Road, Colombo 01 SC/SPL/LA/No.224/2020 Case No. CA/WRIT/387/2014 Petitioner Vs. 1. Jagath P. Wijeweera, Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs Department No.40, Main Street, Colombo 11. 1B.Chulananda Perera, Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs, Head Office, Bristol Street, Colombo 01. 1C. P.S.M. Charles, Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs, Head Office, Bristol Street, Colombo 01. 1D. Rtd. Major General G.V. Ravipriya, Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs, Head Office, Bristol Street, Colombo 01. Customs, Head Office, Bristol Street, Colombo 01. 3. P.S.M. Charles, Former Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs, Head Office, Bristol Street, Colombo 01. 4. M. Paskaran, Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs Department No.40, Main Street, Colombo 11. 5. Saman de Silva, Deputy Director of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs Department No.40, Main Street, Colombo 11. 6. D.K.S. Ravindra, Deputy Supe
L.T.B. Dehideniya J,
In the matter of an application made under Article 128(2) of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for Special Leave to Appeal against the Judgement dated 21st September 2020 of the Honourable Court of Appeal
Lakshani Madusha Sammuarachchi, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. Petitioner Vs. Surangi Deepika Jayawardhena, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. Respondent AND BETWEEN 1. Nirmala Shiranthani Siriwardhena, 2/55, Welimanna, Aranayake. 2. Krishan Lakshman Siriwardhena, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. Intervenient Petitioners Vs. 1. Lakshani Madusha Sammuarachchi Petitioner-Respondent 2. Surangi Deepika Jayawardhena Respondent-Respondent Both of, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. AND BETWEEN 1. Nirmala Shiranthani Siriwardhena, 2/55, Welimanna, Aranayake. 2. Krishan Lakshman Siriwardhena, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. Intervenient Petitioner-Petitioners Vs. 1. Lakshani Madusha Sammuarachchi Petitioner-Respondent-Respondent 2. Surangi Deepika Jayawardhena Respondent-Respondent-Respondent Both of, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. AND NOW BETWEEN Lakshani Madusha Sammuarachchi, “Suramya”, Welimanna, Aranayake. Petitioner-Respondent-Respondent-Appellant Vs. 1. Nirmala Shiranthani Siriwardhena, 2/55, Welimanna, A
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
Hettiarachchige Don Sugath Nandana, Meda Arambe, Nawagamuwa, Devalegama. Plaintiff Vs. Caroline Hewa Abewickrama, Pussella, Devalegama, Kegalle. Defendant AND BETWEEN Caroline Hewa Abewickrama, Pussella, Devalegama, Kegalle. Defendant-Appellant Vs. Hettiarachchige Don Sugath Nandana, Meda Arambe, Nawagamuwa, Devalegama. Plaintiff-Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Caroline Hewa Abewickrama, Pussella, Devalegama, Kegalle. Defendant-Appellant-Appellant Vs. Hettiarachchige Don Sugath Nandana, Meda Arambe, Nawagamuwa, Devalegama. Plaintiff-Respondent-Respondent
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Plaintiff Vs. Ceylinco General Insurance Ltd, No. 69, Janadipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01. Defendant AND BETWEEN Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Plaintiff-Appellant Vs. Ceylinco General Insurance Ltd, No. 69, Janadipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01. Defendant-Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Ceylinco General Insurance Ltd, No. 69, Janadipathi Mawatha, Colombo 01. Defendant-Respondent-Appellant Vs. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Plaintiff-Appellant-Respondent
Mahinda Samayawardhena, J.
Kapukotuwa Mudiyanselage Jayatissa, No. 09/01, Neelapola, Seruwila. PETITIONER Vs. 1. Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Serunuwara. 2. District Secretary, District Secretariat, (Kachcheri) Trincomalee. 3. Deputy Commissioner of Lands, Office of the Additional Commissioner of Lands, Trincomalee. 4. Commissioner General of Lands, No. 07, Gregory’s Avenue, Land Commissioner General’s Department, Colombo 07. 5. Additional Commissioner of Land Development, No. 07, Gregory’s Avenue, Land Commissioner General’s Department, Colombo 07. 6. K. H. Sandya Kumari, No. 10, Neelapola, Neelagala. (via Kantale) 7. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. RESPONDENTS AND NOW BETWEEN Kapukotuwa Mudiyanselage Jayatissa, No. 09/01, Neelapola, Seruwila. PETITIONER - APPELLANT Vs 1. Divisional Secretary, Divisional Secretariat, Serunuwara. 2. District Secretary, District Secretariat, (Kachcheri) Trincomalee. 3. Deputy Commissioner of Lands, Office of the Additional Commissioner of Lands, Trinc
P Padman Surasena J
In the matter of an appeal under Article 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
1. Don Piyasena Karunaratne, No. 01, Stadium Road, Anuradhapura. 2. Thamara Gunatunge, No.05, Stadium Cross Road, Anuradhapura. 3. Magilin Nona Hapangama, No.03, Stadium Cross Road, Anuradhapura. Petitioners Vs. 1. Anuradhapura Municipal Council, Anuradhapura. 2. H. P Somadasa, Mayor, Anuradhapura Municipal Council, Anuradhapura. 3. S.S.M Sampath Rohana Dharmadasa, Municipal Commissioner, Anuradhapura Municipal Council, Anuradhapura. 4. Honourable Attoreny General Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Respondents
L.T B. Dehideniya, J.
In the matter of an Application for under and in terms of Article 17 and 126 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Disanayakage Lional Rajapaksha No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kuliayapitiya. Plaintiff Vs. 1. W.A Prema Swarnamali Bandara, No 324/A, Kurunegala Road, Kuliyapitiya. 2. Hettiarachchi Mudiyanselage Cyril Bandara, No 324/A, Kurunegala Road, Kuliyapitiya. 3. Singhage Nandawathi Podimanike, No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kuliayapitiya. 4. Disanayakage Harshani Trishila Rajapaksha, No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kuliayapitiya. Defendant AND 1. W.A Prema Swarnamali Bandara, No 324/A, Kurunegala Road, Kuliyapitiya. 2. Hettiarachchi Mudiyanselage Cyril Bandara, No 324/A, Kurunegala Road, Kuliyapitiya. 1st and 2nd Defendant Petitioner Vs. Disanayakage Lional Rajapaksha, No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kuliayapitiya. Plaintiff- Respondent 3. Singhage Nandawathi Podimanike, No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kallayapitiya 4. Disanayakage Harshani Trishila Rajapaksha, No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kuliayapitiya. Defendant- Respondents AND NOW Disanayakage Lional Rajapaksha, No 2/324, Asswedduma, Kuliyapitiya Plaintiff- Respondent-Petitioner Vs. 1. W.A Prema Swarnamali Bandara, No
L.T.B. Dehideniya, J.
In the matter of an application for leave to appeal under and in terms of Section 5C of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, No. 54 of 2006, to be read with Article 128 of the Constitution.
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Complainant Vs. Kotuwe Gedara Sriyantha Dharmasena Accused And Now Kotuwe Gedara Sriyantha Dharmasena Accused-Appellant Vs. The Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo. Respondent And Now Between Kotuwe Gedara Sriyantha Dharmasena Accused-Appellant-Petitioner (Presently incarcerated in Welikada Prison) Vs. The Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo. Complainant-Respondent-Respondent
A.L. Shiran Gooneratne J.
In the matter of an application for Special Leave to Appeal in terms of Article 127 read with Article 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.