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Judgments July 2009-2010

Date of Judgment Case No. Parties Judgment by Keywords (Laws, Provisions & terms) Legislation Document
2011-Jul-08 SC. (HC) CA LA No. 99/2008 WP/HCCA/GPH No. 62/01(F) D.C. Gampaha No. 33465/L Jamburegoda Gamage Lakshman Jinadasa, Vs 1. Pilitthu Wasam Gallage Pathma Hemamali & 4 others
2011-Jul-06 S. C. Appeal No. 87/09 S. C. (HCCA) L. A. No. 84/09 Provincial High Court of the Northern Province - Civil Appeal No. 14/07 D. C. Jaffna Case No. 130/Misc. Storer Duraisamy Yogendra & Balasubramaniam Thavabalan Vs. Velupillai Tharmaratnam
2010-Jul-21 SC Appeal 19/08 SC (HC) CA LA 44/07 WP/HCCA/Col 77/07(LA) DC Mt> Lavinia 951/06/Spl Sena Ranjith Fernando Vs Tennakoon Mudiyanselage Ranjith Tennakoon & 2 others
2010-Jul-09 SC CHC No. 25/2001 Kulanthan Palaniyandy Vs G. Premjee Limited,
2010-Jul-08 SC Appeal 11/10 SC Spl LA 294/09 CA 188/09 Peoples Bank PLC & 9 others Vs Yasasiri Kasthuriarachchi
2010-Jul-03 SC CHC No. 25/2001 - HC (Civil) 73/99 (1) Kulanthan Palaniyandy (Paramount Exporters) Vs. G. Premjee Limited
2010-Jul-02 SC Appeal 18/09 SC C LA 57/08 PMP Kalu LT/04/05 Kalutara LT 18/KT/3109/03 Ajith Upashantha Samarasundara Vs Coats Thread Lanka (PVT) Ltd.,
2010-Jul-02 SC FR 229/07 Lal Jayasiri Kulatunga Vs Hon W J M Lokubandara, Speaker & 8 others
2009-Jul-30 SC Appeal 99/07 SC Spl LA 80/07 HC Colombo HCMCA 535/04 MC Colombo 42837/05/02 K Padmatilaka alias Sergeant Elpitiya Vs DG Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption
2009-Jul-24 S.C. H.C.(C.A.) L.A. No: 183/2008 Civil High Court of Appeal No: NCP/HCCA/LTA/10/2008 Bank of Ceylon Vs. H.S. Somaratne
2009-Jul-23 SC Appeal TAB 01/07 HC Colombo 1024/04 W M R B Wijayartne & 4 others Vs Hon AG
2009-Jul-21 SC FR 221/09 Dr. Ajith CS Perera Vs Hon AG