Anusha Wijewardena 34, Orchard Gate, Bradly Stoke, BS 32 OHW, Bristol, United Kingdom By her attorney Simila Patuwatha Vithana 75/3-2, Isipathana Mawahta, Colombo 5. PETITIONER-PETITIONER Vs. 3 1. Minister of Lands, Sampathpaya” Battaramulla. 2. Minister of Lands Govijana Mandiraya, Battaramulla. 3. Divisional Secretary, Kaduwela. 4. Director Urban Development Authority, “Sethsiripaya”, Battaramulla. 5. Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation, P.O. Box 56, No. 3, Sri Jayawardenapura Mawatha, Welikada, Rajagiriya. 6. Commissioner General of Agrarian Development Department of Agrarian Development 42, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, P.O. Box 537, Colombo 7. 7. Hon. Attorney General Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. RESPONDENTS-RESPONDENTS
Hon. Anil Gooneratne J.
Anusha Wijewardena 34, Orchard Gate, Bradly Stoke, BS 32 OHW, Bristol, United Kingdom By her attorney Simila Patuwatha Vithana 75/3-2, Isipathana Mawahta, Colombo 5. PETITIONER-PETITIONER Vs. 3 1. Minister of Lands, Sampathpaya” Battaramulla. 2. Minister of Lands Govijana Mandiraya, Battaramulla. 3. Divisional Secretary, Kaduwela. 4. Director Urban Development Authority, “Sethsiripaya”, Battaramulla. 5. Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and Development Corporation, P.O. Box 56, No. 3, Sri Jayawardenapura Mawatha, Welikada, Rajagiriya. 6. Commissioner General of Agrarian Development Department of Agrarian Development 42, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, P.O. Box 537, Colombo 7. 7. Hon. Attorney General Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. RESPONDENTS-RESPONDENTS
Hon. Anil Gooneratne J.
Lanka Banku Sevaka Sangamaya, (On behalf of L.D. Dayananda), No. 20, Temple Road, Maradana, Colombo 10. Applicant Vs. People’s Bank Head Office, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. Respondent AND BETWEEN People’s Bank Head Office, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. Respondent- Appellant Vs. Lanka Banku Sevaka Sangamaya, (On behalf of L.D. Dayananda), No. 20, Temple Road, Maradana, Colombo 10. Applicant- Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN People’s Bank Head Office, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. Respondent- Appellant- Petitioner Vs. Lanka Banku Sevaka Sangamaya, (On behalf of L.D. Dayananda), No. 20, Temple Road, Maradana, Colombo 10. Applicant- Respondent- Respondent
Hon. Buwaneka Aluwihare P.C J
Asoka Sarath Amarasinghe No. 32, Vidyalaya Road, Gampaha. Petitioner Vs. 1. R. Wijeratne Respondent (Deceased) 1A. Ranjith Flavian Wijeratne No. 27/1 (27B), Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, Colombo 07. Substituted Respondent 2. Sirimevan Bibile (Former Chairman) 2A. Dr. M.S. Jaldeen (Chairman) 3. B. Bodinagoda (Former Vice Chairman) 3A. C. Ranawaka (Member) 4. B. Gunasekera (Former Member) 4A. J.M.S. Bandara (Member) 5. S.W. Gunawardene (Former Member) 5A. R.W.M.S.B. Rajapakse (Member) 6. M. Samaraweera (Former Member) All members of the Ceiling on Housing Property Board of Review, Department of National Housing, Sir. Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02. 7. D. Weerapana Former Commissioner of National Housing 8. Y.B. Pussedeniya Former Commissioner of National Housing 8A. M. Sritharan Commissioner of National Housing, The Department of National Housing, „Sethsiripaya‟, Sri Jayawardenapure Kotte, Battaramulla. 9. Hon. R. Premadasa Former Minister of Housing, Local Government and Construction 9A. Wimal Wee
Hon. Anil Gooneratne J
Property Finance and Investments Kandy (Private) Limited Petitioner Vs 1. Ms.KHA Meegasmulla, Municipal Commissioner, Kandy Municipal Council, Kandy. 2. Kandy Municipal Council Kandy Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN 1. WAR Wimalasiri Municipal Commissioner Kandy Municipal Council, Kandy. 2. Kandy Municipal Council, Kandy Respondent-Petitioner-Appellants Vs Property Finance and Investments Kandy (Private) Limited Petitioner-Respondent-Respondent
Hon. Sisira J De Abrew J.
Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka Ltd., No. 28, St. Michael’s Road, Colombo 3. (formerly at No. 189, Galle Road, Colombo 3) PLAINTIFF Vs. 1. Deguruge Nihal Perera Caring on business under the name, style and firm of “Desan Enterprises” At No. 19/21, Eksath Mawatha, Mahara, Kadawatha. 2. D.C.A. Ramani Mallika No. 14, Eksath Mawatha, Mahara, Kadawatha. DEFENDANTS AND 1. Deguruge Nihal Perera Caring on business under the name, style and firm of “Desan Enterprises” At No. 19/21, Eksath Mawatha, Mahara, Kadawatha. 2. D.C.A. Ramani Mallika No. 14, Eksath Mawatha, Mahara, Kadawatha. DEFENDANTS-PETITIONERS Vs. Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka Ltd., No. 28, St. Michael’s Road, Colombo 3. (formerly at No. 189, Galle Road, Colombo 3) PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT AND BETWEEN 1. Deguruge Nihal Perera Caring on business under the name, style and firm of “Desan Enterprises” At No. 19/21, Eksath Mawatha, Mahara, Kadawatha. 2. D.C.A. Ramani Mallika No. 14, Eksath Mawatha, Mahara, Kadawatha. DEFENDANTS-PETITIONERS-APPELLANTS Vs. Merchan
Hon. Priyantha Jayawardena, PC. J
1. J.R.Punchiappuhamy 2. J.R. Ratnasiri Senarath Bandara Both of Arama, Aranayake. Plaintiffs Vs. J.R. Dingiribanda of Galaudawatta, Arama, Aranayake. Defendant And then Between J.R. Dingiribanda of Galaudawatta, Arama, Aranayake. Defendant-Appellant Vs. 1. J.R.Punchiappuihamy 2. J.R. Ratnasiri Senarath Bandara Both of Arama, Aranayake. Plaintiff-Respondents And Now Between 1. J.R.Punchiappuihamy 2. J.R. Ratnasiri Senarath Bandara Both of Arama, Aranayake. Plaintiff-Respondent-Appellants Vs. J.R. Dingiribanda of Galaudawatta, Arama, Aranayake. Defendant-Appellant-Respondent
Hon. Eva Wanasundera, PC.J
Batuwanage Siripala Plaintiff vs RA Jayatilleke (Deceased) Defendant AND RA Shirley Anura Substituted Defendant-Appellant Vs Batuwanage Siripala Plaintiff- Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Batuwanage Siripala (Deceased) 1A Suneetha Nipuna Arachchi 1B Batuwanage Adeesha Sahan Substituted Plaintiff- Respondent-Appellants Vs RA Shirly Anura Substituted Defendant-Appellant-Respondent