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Judgments December 2023

Date of Judgment Case No. Parties Judgment by Keywords (Laws, Provisions & terms) Legislation Document
2023-Dec-14 SC/107/2011 Weheragedara Ranjith Sumangala, No. 137/2, Beliaththawila, Kindelpitiya, Millewa. PETITIONER vs. Bandara, Police Officer, Police Station, Mirihana. 1nd RESPONDENT Inspector Bhathiya Jayasinghe, Officer-in-Charge – Emergency Unit, Police Station, Mirihana. 2nd RESPONDENT Egodawele, Chief Inspector, Head Quarters’ Inspector, Police Station, Mirihana. 3rd RESPONDENT Ajith Wanasundara, No. 255, Malagala, Padukka. 4th RESPONDENT M.W.D. Tennakone, Superintendent of Police, Nugegoda Division, Office of the Superintendent of Police, Nugegoda. 5th RESPONDENT Mahinda Balasuriya, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01. 6th RESPONDENT Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Hulftsdorp, Colombo 12. 7th RESPONDENT HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, J
2023-Dec-14 SC/FR/298/2021 Keliduwa Madduama Liyanage Janaka Priya, “Shanthi”, Galagama North, Nakulugamuwa, Beliaththa. Petitioner Vs, 1. Mr. C.D. Wickramaratne, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 01. 2. Hon Mohan Priyadarshana De Silva, Member of Parliament, Near the Railway Station Dodanduwa (80250). 3. Hon. Rear Admiral Dr. Sarath Weerasekara, Minister of Public Security, 4th Floor, “Suhurupaya”, Battaramulla. 3A. Hon. Tiran Alles, Minister of Public Security, 4th Floor, “Suhurupaya”, Battaramulla. 4. Major General (Retired) Jagath Alwis, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Secretary, 14th Floor, “Suhurupaya”, Battaramulla. 4A. Mr. S. Hettiarachchi, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Security, 14th Floor, “Suhurupaya”, Battaramulla. 5. Hon. Justice Jagath Balapatabendi, Chairman, Public Service Commission. 6. Mrs. Indrani Sugathadasa, Member, Public Service Commission. 7. Mr. Sundaram Arumainayagam, Member, Public Service Commission. 8. Dr. T.R.C. Ruberu, Member, Public Service Commission. 9. Mr. Ahamod Lebb Hon. Vijith K. Malalgoda PC J
2023-Dec-14 SC/FR/62/2020 M.D.S.A. Perera, No. 59, Pahala Kosgama, Kosgama. Petitioner Vs, 1. Dharmasena Dissanayake, Chairman, Public Service Commission, No. 1200/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. 1A. Jagath Balapatabendi Chairman, 2. Prof. Hussain Ismail, Member, 2A. Indrani Sugathadasa, Member, 3. Dr. Prathap Ramanujam, Member, 3A. V. Shivagnanasothy, Member, 4. V. Jegarasasingam, Member, 4A. Dr. T.R.C. Ruberu, Member, 5. S. Ranugge, Member, 5A. Ahamod Lebbe Mohamed Saleem, Member, 6. D. Laksiri Mendis, Member, 6A. Leelasena Liyanagama, Member, 7. Sarath Jayathilaka, Member, 7A. Dian Gomes, Member, 8. Sudarma Karunarathna, Member, 8A. Dilith Jayaweera, Member, 9. G.S.A. De Silva P.C., Member, 9A. W.H. Piyadasa, Member, The 2nd to 9th Respondents all of; Public Service Commission, No. 122/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. 10. M.A.B. Daya Senarath, Secretary, Public Service Commission, No. 122/9, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla. 11. S. Hettiarachchi, Secretary to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home of Affairs, Provincial Hon. Vijith K. Malalgoda PC J
2023-Dec-13 SC/APPEAL/16/2020 Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. COMPLAINANT VS Jayasinghe Mudiyanselage Roshan Bandaranayaka, 144/B, School Lane, Kumbalagamuwa, Walapone. ACCUSED AND Jayasinghe Mudiyanselage Roshan Bandaranayaka, 144/B, School Lane, Kumbalagamuwa, Walapone. ACCUSED-APPELLANT VS. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. COMPLAINANT-RESPONDENT AND NOW BETWEEN Jayasinghe Mudiyanselage Roshan Bandaranayaka, 144/B, School Lane, Kumbalagamuwa, Walapone. ACCUSED-APPELLANT -APPELLANT VS. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. COMPLAINANT-RESPONDENT- RESPONDENT HON. S. THURAIRAJA, PC, In the matter of an application for Special Leave to Appeal to the Supreme Court in terms of Articles 128 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
2023-Dec-13 SC/APPEAL/210/2017 Alawatthage Chularathne Anura De Silva Batticaloa Road, Ambagolla Junction, Bibile. 2 ND ACCUSED-APPELLANT-APPELLANT -Vs1. Officer In Charge Police Station, Bibile. COMPLAINANT-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT 2. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT HON. P. PADMAN SURASENA, J.
2023-Dec-05 SC/APPEAL/201/2017 W.P.R.P. Devanagala No: 26/135, Kumudugama, Dadayamtalawa APPLICANT - VS - Sarvodaya Economic Enterprises Development Services (Guarantee) Ltd (SEEDS) No. 45, Rawatawatte Road, Moratuwa RESPONDENT AND W.P.R.P. Devanagala No: 26/135, Kumudugama, Dadayamtalawa APPLICANT – APPELLANT - VS - 2 Sarvodaya Economic Enterprises Development Services (Guarantee) Ltd (SEEDS) No. 45, Rawatawatte Road, Moratuwa RESPONDENT – RESPONDENT AND NOW BETWEEN Sarvodaya Economic Enterprises Development Services (Guarantee) Ltd (SEEDS) No. 45, Rawatawatte Road, Moratuwa RESPONDENT - RESPONDENT - APPELLANT - VS - W.P.R.P. Devanagala No: 26/135, Kumudugama, Dadayamtalawa APPLICANT - APPELLANT - RESPONDENT HON. K. KUMUDINI WICKREMASINGHE, J In the matter of an Appeal in terms of Article 154(P)of the Constitution read with Section 31 D D of the Industrial Disputes Act (as amended) and Section 9 of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No. 19 od 1990
2023-Dec-01 SC/CHC APPEAL/68/2014 Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, P.O. Box 2204, Independence Square, Co lombo 07. 2 ND DEFENDANT - RESPONDENT - APPELLANT vs. 1. Anthony Surendra , No. 251/42B , Kirula Road, Colombo 05. PLAINTIFF - PETITIONER - RESPONDENT 2 . Sri Lanka n Airlines, No.22, East Tower , World Trade Center, Echelon Square, Colombo 01. DEFENDANT - RESPONDENTS HON. S. THURAIRAJ, PC , J In the matter of an application under Section 5(1) of the High Court of the Provinces (Special Provisions) Act No.10 of 1996 read together with Section 6 thereof and Section 88(2) read together with Section 754(1) read together with Section 755(3) and 758 of the Civil Procedure Code
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