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Judgments July 2014

Date of Judgment Case No. Parties Judgment by Keywords (Laws, Provisions & terms) Legislation Document
2014-Jul-30 SC Appeal No. 14/2013 Hettimudiyanselage Nani Wijesiri Somalatha Menike Applicant Vs Dalugama Multi Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Respondent And Hettimudiyanselage Nani Wijesiri Somalatha Menike Applicant-Appellant Vs Dalugama Multi Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Respondent-Respondent And Hettimudiyanselage Nani Wijesiri Somalatha Menike Applicant-Appellant-Petitioner Vs Dalugama Multi Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Respondent-Respondent-Respondent Now Between Hettimudiyanselage Nani Wijesiri Somalatha Menike Applicant-Appellant-Petitioner-Appellant Vs Dalugama Multi Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. Respondent-Respondent-Respondent-Respondent
2014-Jul-17 SC (CHC) LA Application No. 37 Of 13 Ranjith Wagaarachchi , No. 246, Thissa Road, Wali Ara, Netolpitiya.PLAINTIFF Vs Union Assurance P.L.C Union Assurance Centre No. 20, St Michal Road, Colombo 03. DEFENDANT AND NOW BETWEEN Ranjith Wagaarachchi No. 246, Thissa Road, Wali Ara, Netolpitiya. PLAINTIFF - PETITIONER Union Assurance P.L.C Union Assurance Centre No. 20, St. Michal Road, Colombo-03. DEFENDANT- RESPONDENT
2014-Jul-17 SC Spl LA No. 229/11 Dassanayake Mudiyanselage Ranbanda, “Dharshana” Narammala Road Wadha Kada Applicant-Respondent-Petitioner Vs. Peoples’ Bank P.O.Box 728 Colombo 02 Respondent-Appellant-Respondent
2014-Jul-11 SC (Appeal) 79/2009 Gusthinggna Waduge Somasiri No. B/14, Jayanthipura-Yaya 11 Accused-Appellant-Petitioner Vs. Hon. Attorney General Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. Respondent -Respondent
2014-Jul-10 S.C. Appeal No. 99/2012 The British High Commission, No. 389, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07. Respondent-Respondent- Appellant Vs. Ricardo Wilhelm Michael Jansen No. 62, Perakumba Mawatha Kolonnawa. Applicant-Appellant-Respondent