1. Naragal Nilantha de Silva, No.48, Kanda Road, Ambalangoda 2. Naragal Rasindu Harshana de Silva (minor) No.48, Kanda Road, Ambalangoda. Petitioners Vs. 1. Akila Viraj Kariyawawsam (M.P.) Hon. Minister of Education, Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Battaramulla. 2. Upali Marasinghe, Secretary – Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Bataramulla. 2(A) W.M.Bandusena Secretary – Ministry of Education, Isurupaya, Battaramulla. 3. Sumith Parakramawansha, Former Principal – Dharmashoka Vidyalaya Galle Road, Ambalangoda. 3A. W.T.Ravindra Pushpakumara, Principal – Dharmashoka Vidyalaye, Galle Road, Ambalangoda. 4. R.N.mallawarachchi 5. Diyagubaduge Dayarathne 6. M.Shirley Chandrasiri 7. N.S.T.de Silva 4th to 7th Above All: Members of the Interview Board, (Admissions to Year 1) C/o Dharmashoka /Vidyalaya, Galle Road, Ambalangoda. 8. W.T.B.Sarath 9. P.D.Pathirathne 10. K.P.Ranjith 11. Jagath Wellage 4th and 8th to 11th above All: Members of the Appeal Board, (Admission to Year 1) C/o Dharmashoka/Vidyalaya, Galle Road,
S.C. Appeal 125/2015
Hatton National Bank PLC No. 479, T.B. Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10. and previously at 481, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10. And having and maintaining a branch office at 22, Kandy Road, Nittambuwa (previously known as Hatton National Bank Ltd) PLAINTIFF Vs. 1. Sakalasuriya Appuhamilage Upul Aruna Shantha Kukulnape, Pallewela. 2. Senanayake Amarasinghe Mohotti Appuhamilage Sudath Denzil No. 64, Kirindiwita. Gampaha. 3. Subasinghe Dissanayake Appuhamilage Upul Hemantha Subsasinshge, No. 74, Marapola, Veyangoda. DEFENDANTS AND BETWEEN Hatton National Bank PLC No. 479, T.B. Jaya Mawatha, Colombo 10. and previously at 481, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10. And having and maintaining a branch office at 22, Kandy Road, Nittambuwa (previously known as Hatton National Bank Ltd) PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT Vs. 1. Sakalasuriya Appuhamilage Upul Aruna Shantha Kukulnape, Pallewela. 2. Senanayake Amarasinghe Mohotti Appuhamilage Sudath Denzil No. 64, Kirindiwita. Gampaha. 3. Subasinghe Dissanayake Appuhamilage Upul Hemantha Subsasinshge
S.C. Appeal No. 74/2015
Sinnaiya Siwasamy 112, Ragala Bazar Halgranoya. PLAINTIFF Vs. M. Nadaraga Moorthi 8 ¼, Ragala Bazar Halgranoya. DEFENDANT NOW BETWEEN Sinnaiya Siwasamy 112, Ragala Bazar Halgranoya. PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT Vs. M. Nadaraga Moorthi 8 ¼, Ragala Bazar Halgranoya. DEFENDANT-RESPONDENT AND NOW BETWEEN Sinnaiya Siwasamy 112, Ragala Bazar Halgranoya. PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT-APPELLANT Vs. M. Nadaraga Moorthi 8 ¼, Ragala Bazar Halgranoya. DEFENDANT-RESPONDENT-RESPONDENT
SC FR Application No.15/2010
1. Shanmugam Sivarajah 2. Sivarajah Sarojini Devi Presently residing in Sagetrastrasse 12, 3133 Belp, Switzerland. Petitioners Vs. 1. Officer in Charge, Terrorist Investigation Division, Chaithya Road, Colombo 01 2. Director, Terrorist Investigation Division, Police Headquarters, Chaithya Road, Colombo 01. 3. Deputy Inspector General of Police, Terrorist Investigation Division, Chaithya Road, Colombo 01. 4. Inspector Abdeen, Terrorist Investigation Division, Chaithya Road, Colombo 01. 5. Subair, Terrorist Investigation Division, Colombo 01. 6. Mr. Mahinda Balasuriya, Inspector General of Police, Police Head Quarters, Colombo 01. 6A. Mr. N.K.Illangakoon, Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 1. 7. Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Public Security and Law and Order, Ministry of Defence, Colomb o 02. 7A. Mr. B.M.U.D Basnayake Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Public Security and Law and Order, Ministry of Defence, Colombo 2. 7B Eng. Karunasena Hettiarachchi, Secretary to the Ministry o
Supreme Court (FR) Application No.63/2013
C. W. Jayasekera No.4, Stadium Cross Road Anuradhapura PETITIONER -Vs- 1. Municipal Council Anuradhapura 2. H. P. Somadasa Mayor Municipal Council Anuradhapura 3. S. R. Dharmadasa Municipal Commissioner Municipal Council Anuradhapura 4. The Honourable Attorney General The Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. RESPONDENTS
SC / Appeal /133/2010
Saifi Ismail Patel carrying on business under the name and style of “Saifi Trading Company”, No. 39, New Moor Street, Colombo 01. Plaintiff Vs. Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited, No. 57, Baron Jayathileka Mawatha, Colombo 1. Defendant AND BETWEEN Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited, No. 57, Baron Jayathileka Mawatha, Colombo 1. Defendant Appellant Vs. Saifi Ismail Patel carrying on business under the name and style of “Saifi Trading Company”, No. 39, New Moor Street, Colombo 01. Plaintiff Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited, No. 57, Baron Jayathileka Mawatha, Colombo 1. Defendant Appellant-Appellant Vs. Saifi Ismail Patel carrying on business under the name and style of “Saifi Trading Company”, No. 39, New Moor Street, Colombo 01. Plaintiff Respondent-Respondent
SC Application No. SCFR 58/15
1. Sawunda Marikkala Damith de Silva, No.1/129, Polwathttha Road, Kaluwadumulla, Ambalangoda 2. Sawunda Marikkala Thenuk Sanmitha de Silva (minor), No. 1/129, Polwattha Road, Kaluwadumulla, Ambalangoda. Petitioners Vs. 1. Akila Viraj Kariyawawsam (M.P.) Hon. Minister of Education, Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Battaramulla. 2. Upali Marasinghe, Secretary – Ministry of Education, “Isurupaya”, Bataramulla. 3. Sumith Parakramawansha, Former Principal – Dharmashoka Vidyalaya Galle Road, Ambalangoda. 3A. Ravindra Pushpakumara, Principal – Dharmashoka Vidyalaye, Galle Road, Ambalangoda. 4. R. N. mallawarachchi 5. Diyagubaduge Dayarathne 6. Mr. Shirley Chandrasiri 7. NS.T.de Silva 4th to 7th Above All: Members of the Interview Board, (Admissions to Year 1) C/o Dharmashoka /Vidyalaya, Galle Road, Ambalangoda. 8. W. T. B. Sarath 9. P. D. Pathirathne 10. K. P. Ranjith 11. Jagath Wellage 4th and 8th to 11th above All: Members of the Appeal Board, (Admission to Year 1) C/o Dharmashoka /Vidyalaya, Galle Road, Ambala
1. People’s Bank, No. 75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. 2. Don Wimalasiri Dissanayake, No. 177 G, Maya Avenue, Colombo 5. Petitioners Vs Hetti Kankanamlage Gunasi- Ngha, Wanuwagalawatta, Haggala, Ellakala. Respondent AND BETWEEN Hetti Kankanamlage Gunasi- Ngha, Wanuwagalawatta, Haggala, Ellakala. Respondent Appellant 1. People’s Bank, No. 75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. 2. Don Wimalasiri Dissanayake, No. 177 G, Maya Avenue, Colombo 5. Petitioner Respondents AND NOW BETWEEN Hetti Kankanamlage Gunasi- Ngha, Wanuwagalawatta, Haggala, Ellakala. Respondent Appellant Appellant Vs 1.People’s Bank, No. 75, Sir Chittampalam A Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 2. 2.Don Wimalasiri Dissanayake, No. 177 G, Maya Avenue, Colombo 5. Petitioner Respondent Respondents
S.C Appeal Mo. 170/2015
H.D. Lionel Weeraratne of No. 156, Walpola Road, Ragama. PLAINTIFF Vs. 1. Velu Kannappan 2. Sawarimuththu Rajendra 3. Hakmana Kaluthanthrige Don Anthony Bernard Perera All of Suraweera Mawatha, Walpola, Ragama. DEFENDANTS AND BETWEEN 1. Velu Kannappan More correctly Velu Kannappan Thevar (now deceased) 1a. Kannappan Ranjith 2. Sawarimuththu Rajendra 3. Hakmana Kaluthanthrige Don Anthony Bernard Perera All of Suraweera Mawatha, Walpola, Ragama. DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS Vs. H H.D. Lionel Weeraratne of No. 156, Walpola Road, Ragama. PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT AND NOW BETWEEN H H.D. Lionel Weeraratne of No. 156, Walpola Road, Ragama. PLAINTIFF-RESPONDENT-PETITIONER Vs. 1. Velu Kannappan More correctly Velu Kannappan Thevar (now deceased) 1a. Kannappan Ranjith 2. Sawarimuththu Rajendra 3. Hakmana Kaluthanthrige Don Anthony Bernard Perera All of Suraweera Mawatha, Walpola, Ragama. DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS-RESPONDENTS
SC / Appeal / 148/2013
1. Bulathsinghalage Gnanawathie, 2. Presanna Ramanayake, Both of No. 211 A, Nawala Road, Nugegoda. Plaintiff Vs. 1. Warnakula Patabendige Konrad Anthony Perera, No. 282, Badulla Road, Bandarawela. 2. Ivon Indrani Rupasinghe, No. 37/01, the Fonseka Road, Colombo 5. 3. Peoples Bank, Nugegoda Branch, Nugegoda. Defendants AND BETWEEN 1. Bulathsinghalage Gnanawathie, 2. Presanna Ramanayake, Both of No. 211 A, Nawala Road, Nugegoda. Plaintiff Appellant Vs. 1. Warnakula Patabendige Konrad Anthony Perera, No. 282, Badulla Road Bandarawela. 2. Ivon Indrani Rupasinghe, No. 37/01, the Fonseka Road, Colombo 5. 3. Peoples Bank, Nugegoda Branch, Nugegoda. Defendant Respondents AND NOW BETWEEN 1. Bulathsinghalage Gnanawathie, 2. Presanna Ramanayake, Both of No. 211 A, Nawala Road, Nugegoda. Plaintiff Appellant Appellants Vs. 1. Warnakula Patabendige Konrad Anthony Perera, No. 282, Badulla Road Bandarawela. 2. Ivon Indrani Rupasinghe, No. 37/01, the Fonseka Road, Colombo 5. 3. Peoples Bank, Nugegoda Branch, Nugegoda. Defenda
SC. Appeal 232/14
Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Complainant Vs. Dissanayake Appuhamilage Amarasiri Dissanayake. Accused AND BETWEEN Dissanayake Appuhamilage Amarasiri Dissanayake. Accused Appellant Vs. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Complainant Respondent AND NOW BETWEEN Dissanayake Appuhamilage Amarasiri Dissanayake. Accused Appellant-Appellant Vs. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Complainant Respondent- Respondent
SC /FR 126 / 2008
1. Uspatabendige Buddhi Iwantha Gunasekera, Dommie Jayawardena Mawatha, Eranavila, Meetiyagoda. 2. Uspatabendige Jayantha Gunasekera, Dommie Jayawardena Mawatha, Eranavila, Meetiyagoda. Petitioners Vs. 1. Sub Inspector Athukorala Crime Division, Police Station, Meetiyagoda. 2. Inspector Nissanka, Officer in Charge, Police Station, Meetiyagoda. 3. Home Guard Soysa, Police Station, Meetiyagoda. 4. W. T. Siripala, Domanvila, Meetiyagoda. 5. The Inspector General of Police, Police Headquarters, Colombo 1. 6. Hon. Attorney General, Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. Respondents
S.C. Appeal No. 92A/2008
Pandigamage Podinona No.44, Kandy Road, Medawachchiya Plaintiff -Vs- M. H. M. Suweyal, No.40, New Siyana Hotel, Jaffna Road, Medawachchiya Defendant And Between M. H. M. Suweyal No.40, New Siyana Hotel, Jaffna Road, Medawachchiya. Defendant/Appellant -Vs. Pandigamage Podinona No.44, Kandy Road, Medawachchiya Plaintiff/Respondent And Now Between M. H. M. Suweyal No.40, New Siyana Hotel, Jaffna Road, Medawachchiya. Presently at No.22/1, Bulugahatenna, Akurana Defendant/Appellant/ Appellant -Vs- Pandigamage Podinona (deceased) No.44, Kandy Road, Medawachchiya. Plaintiff/Respondent/ Respondent 1A. Hettiaarachchige Sriyani 1B. Hettiarachchiige Wasantha Kumara Hettiarachchi 1C. Hettiarachchige Chalton Jayaweera 1D. Hettiarachchige Nandaniemala All of No.44, Kandy Road, Medawachchiya. Substituted Plaintiff/ Respondent/Respondents
S.C (FR) Application No. 57/2012
1. Dewndara Wedasinghage Manusha Madhurangana 20/A, Pansalhena Road, Wellampitiya. And 87 others PETITIONERS Vs. 24. Hon. Attorney General Attorney General’s Department Colombo 12. And 23 others RESPONDENTS
SC (FR) Application No. 527/2011
Puwakketiyage Sajith Suranga Bogahawatta, Lellkada, Ginimalgaha. Petitioner Vs 1.Prasad Sub-Inspector of Police Station, Thelikada. 2.Sunil Sergeant Thelikada Police Station Thelikada. 3.Sugath Palitha Sergeant Thelikada Police Station, Thelikada. 4.Samantha Civil Defence Officer, Thelikada Police Station, Thelikada. 5.Inspector of Police Nalaka Officer-in-Charge, Thelikada Police Station, Thelikada. 6.N.K.Illangakoon, Inspector General of Police Police Head Quarters, Colombo 1. 7.Hon.Attorney General Attorney General’s Department, Colombo 12. Respondents